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Published: 11 October 2023

Closing of an event channel in the Linux kernel can result in a deadlock. This happens when the close is being performed in parallel to an unrelated Xen console action and the handling of a Xen console interrupt in an unprivileged guest. The closing of an event channel is e.g. triggered by removal of a paravirtual device on the other side. As this action will cause console messages to be issued on the other side quite often, the chance of triggering the deadlock is not neglectable. Note that 32-bit Arm-guests are not affected, as the 32-bit Linux kernel on Arm doesn't use queued-RW-locks, which are required to trigger the issue (on Arm32 a waiting writer doesn't block further readers to get the lock).

From the Ubuntu Security Team

Marek Marczykowski-Górecki discovered that the Xen event channel infrastructure implementation in the Linux kernel contained a race condition. An attacker in a guest VM could possibly use this to cause a denial of service (paravirtualized device unavailability).



Cvss 3 Severity Score


Score breakdown


Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (5.4.0-171.189)
Released (5.15.0-94.104)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-41.42])
Released (6.5.0-17.17)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Not vulnerable
Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Introduced by


Fixed by 87797fad6cce28ec9be3c13f031776ff4f104cfc
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (5.4.0-1118.128)
Released (5.15.0-1053.58)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending)
Released (6.5.0-1013.13)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.3)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1053.58~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1118.128~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
Released (5.4.0-1123.130)
Released (5.15.0-1056.64)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was needed)
Released (6.5.0-1015.15)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1056.64~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1123.130~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-5.15)
Released (5.15.0-1056.64.1)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1056.64~
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(replaced by linux-azure-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1078.84)
jammy Pending

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Ignored
(end of standard support)
Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.3)
Released (5.4.0-1122.131)
Released (5.15.0-1051.59)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-1022.24])
Released (6.5.0-1013.13)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1051.59~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1122.131~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
Released (5.15.0-1050.55)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Needs triage

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.3)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1085.89)
Released (5.15.0-1036.42)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1036.42~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-94.104~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-171.189~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (6.5.0-17.17~22.04.1)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1065.70)
Released (5.15.0-1046.49)
lunar Ignored
(end of kernel support, was needs-triage)
mantic Ignored
(end of kernel support, was needs-triage)
noble Pending

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1046.49~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1065.70~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1047.53)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1048.54~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1030.31)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (5.4.0-1106.113)
Released (5.15.0-1050.55)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was needed)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

Released (6.5.0-1009.12)
noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-94.104)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-1020.20])
Released (6.5.0-17.17.1)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-94.104~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (6.5.0-
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1044.44)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Not vulnerable

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-nvidia-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (6.1.0-1025.25)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

Released (6.5.0-1014.15)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Released (5.4.0-1117.126)
Released (5.15.0-1051.57)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-1019.20])
Released (6.5.0-1015.15)
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needed)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1051.57~20.04.1)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1117.126~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1102.114)
Released (5.15.0-1046.49)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-1020.22])
Released (6.5.0-1010.13)
noble Needed

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
Released (5.4.0-1102.114~18.04.1)
Available with Ubuntu Pro or Ubuntu Pro (Infra-only)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-raspi2-5.4)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.8)
jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-41.42.1])
Released (6.5.0-17.17.1)
noble Needed

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.15.0-1049.53~20.04.2)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Ignored
(end of life, was pending [6.2.0-1012.13])
Released (6.5.0-1007.8)
noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-starfive-6.5, was needed)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Not vulnerable

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

Released (5.4.0-1037.41)
Released (5.15.0-1027.31)
lunar Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

Released (6.6~rc6)
xenial Does not exist

Severity score breakdown

Parameter Value
Base score 4.9
Attack vector Network
Attack complexity Low
Privileges required High
User interaction None
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality None
Integrity impact None
Availability impact High
Vector CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H